Landing Permit
CategoriesBusiness Aircraft Operations

Business Aircraft Ops to India- Landing & Overflying Permit

Lead time for obtaining India landing permit:

CAA requires mandatory notice period of 3 working days to grant India landing permission. Flight should operate on 4th day, except flights originating from PRC countries

It requires 7 working days notice period to grant India Landing permission for flight originating from PRC country. Flight should operate on 8th day.

List of PRC Countries:  China, North Korea, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Nigeria.

Lead time for obtaining India over flight permit:

CAA requires mandatory notice period of 1 working day to grant India overflying permission. Flight should operate on 2nd day, except flights originating from PRC countries.

It requires 3 working days notice period to grant India Landing permission for flight originating from PRC country. Flight should operate on 4th day.

List of PRC Countries:  China, North Korea, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Nigeria.

 Lead time for obtaining permits to Defense air filed (military airport):

 3 to 4 weeks

 Lead time for obtaining India Over flight permit for Ambulance flight:

 1 working day

 Lead time for obtaining India Landing permit for Ambulance flight:

 1 working day

Detail required applying for landing permit           

Operator Name, Acft Registration,  Acft Call Sign, Type of Aircraft, Schedule, Crew Name, Passport details such as passport number, date of issue, date of expiry, Nationality, Date of Birth etc. Pax name, Passport details such as passport number, date of issue, date of expiry, Nationality, Date of Birth etc.

Additional information required for Ambulance flight:

Name and address of the Hospital, Treating doctor Name and contact number, Patient medical history.

Validity of India Landing Permit:

India Landing permit is valid for plus (+) 48 hours.                     

Validity of India overflying Permit:

India overflying permit is valid for plus (+) 48 hours.

Major International Airports in India:

VIDP  (Delhi airport), VABB (Mumbai airport), VOBL (Bangalore airport),VOMM ( Chennai Airport), VOGO (Goa Airport) , VECC (Kolkata Airport), VOCI (Cochin Airport),VOHS ( Hyderabad Airport), VAAH (Ahmadabad Airport),VOTV ( Trivandrum Airport), VOCI ( Calicut Airport), VILK (Lucknow Airport), VIAR (Amritsar Airport), VOTR ( Trichy Airport), VIJP (Jaipur Airport), VOML (Mangalore Airport), VAPO (Pune Airport), VANP (Nagpur Airport),VOCB ( Coimbatore Airport), VEGY (Gaya Airport), VEDB (Bagdogra Airport), VEGT (Guwahati Airport),VEBN ( Varanasi Airport), VICG (Chandigarh Airport), VOVZ ( Vishakhapatnam Airport), VOMD Madurai Airport), VEBS (Bhubaneswar Airport) and VOPB ( Port Blair Airport).

Major Defense Airports in India:

VIAG (Agra Airport), VIJO (Jodhpur Airport) , VEAB (Allahabad Airport), VEJT (Jorhat Airport), VIJR (Jaisalmer Airport) , VABJ ( Bhuj Airport), VICG (Chandigarh Airport), VIGR ( Gwalior Airport), VAJM (Jamnagar Airport), VOVZ (Visakhapatnam Airport), VOGO (Goa Airport), VAPO( Pune Airport), VOYK( Yelahanka Air Force Station), VOPB (Port Blair Airport), VAOZ (Ozar Airport).

If you have any questions about this article or would like assistance planning your next trip to India, contact us or (OPS) – (+91)-8010686868

Note: Regulations, watch hours, NOTAM or any other information given in above page are subject to change from time to time, for most latest information please feel free to contact us.

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