Airport Information for VOCI airport, COK airport, Cochin airport, India
Airport Name: | COCHIN INTL |
ICAO Code | VOCI |
IATA Code | COK |
Location: | Cochin |
Country: | India |
Latitude: | 100913N |
Longitude: | 0762426E |
Field Elevation | 30 FT |
Time Zone: | UTC+5:30 |
Fire Cat | IX |
TWR | 118.800 MHZ |
GND | 121.750 MHZ |
CLR | |
Runway 09/27 | Length 3400 Width 45 Surface Asphalt PCN 105 F/B/W/T |
Watch Hours at VOCI airport | H24 |
Restrictions of VOCI airport | NIL |
Ground Handing and Supervision at VOCI airport | VVIP Flight / / +91-8010686868 |
Customs airport of Entry: | Yes |
Fuel Available at VOCI airport: | Yes |
Slots / PPR requirements at VOCI airport: | Yes |
Crew Visa requirement at VOCI airport: | Crew must arrive with Valid Indian business visa or e-business visa available online. |
Pax visa requirement at VOCI airport: | Pax must arrive with Valid Indian Visa or e-visa available online. |
E-visa accepted at VOCI airport | Yes |
General Aviation Terminal / Lounge at VOCI airport | Not available |
Catering Availability at VOCI airport | Yes |
Tow Bar requirement at VOCI airport | Power in / Self Power out parking stands are subject to availability. Kindly contact our ops team at to check availability of tow bar at this location. It is mandatory requirement to carry tow bar onboard the aircraft in India. |
India Landing Permit Requirement | It takes 03 working days to obtain India landing permit (flight should operate on 4th day) except flights originating from PRC countries i.e., China, North Korea, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, and Nigeria. It takes 07 working days to obtain landing permission for flights originating from PRC countries (flight should operate on 8th day). |
If you have any questions about this article or would like assistance planning your next trip to India, contact us or (OPS) – (+91)-8010686868.
Note: Regulations, watch hours, NOTAM or any other information given in above article are subject to change from time to time, for most updated information please feel free to contact us at or (OPS) – (+91)-8010686868.
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